Friday, July 17, 2009

Anglophile in training.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have had an insatiable hunger for watching period dramas of the classics. Like most females, I enjoy Jane Austen's staple Brit drama "Pride and Prejudice" and it was my gateway movie of sorts into the world of period dramas.

The realization of my obsession began with reading "Bridget Jones' Diary" many years ago and realizing that I, like Bridget, had watched the 1995 BBC version of "Pride and Prejudice" more times than I cared to own up to. I have in my possession, one well loved DVD of said film. Anyhow, I began watching more films of this genre but only occasionally over the next years.

Recently, however, I never feel like watching anything else. It's kind of ridiculous. Colin has homework and studying for work to do most nights, so at least he hasn't been feeling too neglected. My night after 8 pm (when the kids go to bed) usually consists of me cleaning up as fast as possible, snuggling up to a bag of carrot sticks, and watching something girly, beautifully costumed, and full of luscious British accents on

So, I guess the point of all of this is, I will be blogging reviews of the last two weeks of films and then post reviews of subsequent films. I'm excited to share my Anglophile, BBC obsessed, classic-loving feelings with the world. I hope you enjoy my geekery.

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