Thursday, November 6, 2008

Beulah: Yoko

Beulah's fourth and final album as a working band tiled "Yoko" is a nice gloomy day listen. It sounds a little like an alt-country-slightly-more-edgy-but-less-screamy Phantom Planet. Catchy tunes that are seriously entertaining to listen to yet most of them are not not single-worthy. The sound was overall happy but stained with angst, melancholy, and lovesick sentiments. I particularly enjoyed track two titled "Landslide Baby" as well as track six titled "Me and Jesus Don't Talk Anymore". One thing that I noticed was that almost every song starts with a quiet and very distorted sounding guitar until around 10-20 seconds in when the sound filled out. It got a a little old towards the end of the album. I'd also be really interested to hear what it would do to their sound if they made a more prominent piano or synth in some of their songs. All in all a good disk. Not something I'd listen to with the kids around because of the swearing but it made for some rockin' laundry folding music. Man I sound lame...

Favorite track: Six, "Me and Jesus Don't Talk Anymore"
Stars out of ten: Seven

Check out their links. This band has a fascinating history with some neat experimental recording techniques.

Beulah's Website
The Wikipedia article